Who We Are

Mission Statement

The Front Lyme exists to inform and educate the public and medical community about Lyme disease. In doing so, we hope to generate positive change in how people view, treat, and protect sufferers of Lyme disease and other tick-borne illnesses.

Medical professionals have a history of trivializing Lyme disease’s symptoms, misdiagnosing patients, and ignoring those suffering from chronic Lyme disease. While there are Lyme disease treatments, many patients continue to experience painful symptoms throughout their lives.

Dedicated to helping Lyme disease patients get the support they deserve, our message is clear: you don’t have to suffer from your diagnosis alone. Front Lyme is here to help every step of the way—from diagnosis, treatment, community resources, and beyond.


Our Vision

A world where anyone suffering from Lyme disease has access to proper education, appropriate care, affordable treatments, and qualified, supportive medical professionals.

Front Lyme wants to help Lyme disease sufferers get their lives back. Whether you’ve been misdiagnosed or think you have contracted Lyme disease, Front Lyme is a foundation of support and education.

While we do not give out medical advice, Front Lyme is here to help you find a Lyme-literate doctor to help you start your remission journey.


Our Values

  • Increase the public’s awareness and education of Lyme disease and other tick-borne illnesses
  • Provide Lyme disease sufferers a community where they will be understood and heard
  • Financially support those struggling with Lyme disease-related illnesses by delivering affordable testing and medication.
  • Be a voice of support to those who feel silenced by the medical community’s lack of awareness around chronic Lyme disease.